ABC Garbage, Inc. - Pamela Marshall (336-985-3572) - abcgarbageinc@yahoo.com
Alex de la Torre Attorney at Law, PLLC - Alex de la Torre (336-985-8597) - alex@stokescountyattorney.com
All Things Possible Catering & More - Wendy & James Griffin (336)-408-2138- Allthingspossiblecatering@gmail.com
Allegacy Federal Credit Union - Renee Hall (336-774-3419) - rhall@allegacy.org
Allegacy Investment Group - Carla Hooker (336-794-8464) - chooker@allegacy.org
American Legion Post 290 - Clif Kilby (336-406-2495) - cjkilbyjr@yahoo.com
Ann Chilton Realty, Inc. - Ann Chilton (336-983-9000) - annmchilton@gmail.com
Arbor Ridge at Stanleyville - Karen Roberson (336-377-2195) - karen.roberson@navionsl.com
Atrium Health Children Care One Health Pediatrics- King - Alisa Folds (336-983-2531) afolds@wakehealth.edu
Bagel Boss - Joe Ianucilli
BBB of Central and Northwest NC - Ashley McCall (336-852-4240) - info@bbbtrust.org
Bennett & West, Attorneys at Law - Lisa Hooker (336-983-3177) - lisa@bennettandwest.com
Black Dog Acres RV Park - Ian & Meredith Tedder (336-351-4444) - info@blackdogacresrvnc.com
Bob Parent State Farm Insurance Agency - Bob Parent (336-983-8444)
Booth-Newsome Broadcasting, Inc. (WKTE) - Rodney Booth (336-983-3111) - rtb0301@hotmail.com
Brian Spencer & Associates - Brian Spencer (336-782-8078) bnspencer@capitalchoiceinvest.com
Brothers Music & Trade/ BMT Boutique - Nicole Davis (336-642-0063) - brothersmusicandtrade@gmail.com
Browder, Overby, Michaud & May, PA - Nicholas J. Overby (336-983-6084) - nickoverby@browder-overby.com
Calloways Welding - Darrell Calloway (336-466-0904) - dcalloway71@gmail.com
Calvary Baptist Church and Seminary - Kevin Broyhill, Senior Pastor (336-983-3728) - info@cbcking.org
Calvary Baptist Preschool (PS2-K4) - Beth Glover (336-983-4481) - bethglover@cbpking.org
Calvary Christian School (K5-12th) - Bradley Nagel, Principal (336-983-3743) - ccsking@ccsking.org
Cannon & Company, LLP - Barry Amburn (336-725-0635) ext. 408 - bamburn@cannon.pro
Cannon Wealth Management Services - Barry Amburn/Matt Hearn (336-231-6844) - info@cannon-wealth.com
Cardinal Urgent Care - Abigail Rooks (336-983-9111) - arooks@cardinaluc.com
Carolina Farms & Homes Real Estate - Leon Inman (336-983-5263) -
Carolina Occupational Therapy - Kelli Cross (336-608-0555) - office@carolinaotservices.com
Carroll Memorials, Inc. - Steve Carroll (336-983-4995) - info@carrollmemorials.com
CBIZ Flex-Pay - Olnisa Gray (336-397-5818) - Olnisa.Gray@cbizflex-pay.com
Century 21 SmithLove Realty - Sandy Smith (336-983-2191) - ss9797@aol.com
Chestnut Grove Ruritan Club - Daphne McHone (336-416-6049) - daphne450@yahoo.com
Christian Village, Inc. - Garry Merritt (336-813-6661) - garrylmerritt@gmail.com
City Electric Supply - Lee Hatcher (336-923-7618) - king0636@cityelectricsupply.com
City of King - Nicole Branshaw (336-983-8265) - www.ci.king.nc.us
City of King - Water - Debbie Burnette (336-985-1100) - lburnette@ci.king.nc.us AfterHours-Emergency (336-924-8363)
Classic Business Systems - Scott Cunningham (336-725-7900) - scottc@classicbusiness.net
Clutter Rescue Junk Removal - Jason Branch (336-408-1310) - clutterrescuenc@gmail.com
Conrad Corners - Ann Walsh (336-985-6728) - ardella.walsh@wynnefieldproperties.com
Coldwell Banker Advantage - Anna Marie Tuttle (336-416-6949) - annamarietuttle@cbadvantage.com
Comfort Control Systems - Katie Friend (336-970-1223) comfortcontrolsystems@gmail.com
ComForCare Home Care Of Winston- Salem - Ryan Gragg (336-759-7207)- rgragg@comforcare.com
Cooke Rentals of King, Inc. - Jody Edmonds (336-985-8222) - jody@cookerentals.com
County Line Plumbing - Stephen Eads (336-983-0050) - stephen@countylineplbg.com
Dairi-O of King, Inc. - Jeff Speaks (336-983-5560) - admin@dairio.com
David L. May, Jr., Agency King Insurance Partners, LLC - David L. May, Jr. (336-983-4371) - mayd03@nationwide.com
Digestive Health Specialists - Yarelis Escobar (336-768-6211) - marketing@digestivehealth.ws
Dirt Dog Pressure Washing - Brandon Hampton (336-655-3831) - dirtdogspressurewashing@gmail.com
Dogwood Lodging
Hiker's Nest - Patti Moran (336-413-2145) - pattipinn@gmail.com
Whistle Stop - Tia Childress (336-413-2145) - tia@dogwoodlodging.com
Duke Energy Corporation - Jimmy Flythe (336-917-2580) - jimmy.flythe@duke-energy.com
Edward Jones - Wesley Carter (336-983-5221) - wesley.carter@edwardjones.com
EyeCare Center - Dr. Kevin Walker (336-985-2020) - king@eyecarecenter.com
Fireblade Graphics & Signs - Terry Frye (336-985-6249) - firebladegraphics@aol.com
Fire Chiefs Grill - Kim Freeman (336-341-8712) - firechiefsgrill@gmail.com
First Baptist Church Child Dev. Ctr. - Colleen Rabenold (336-983-9332) - KFBCCDC2004@yahoo.com
First Baptist Church of King - Dr. Tommy Pillow (336-983-5252) - jmichael@firstbaptistking.org
First Citizens Bank - Benton Lisk (336-983-5106) - benton.lisk@firstcitizens.com
First National Bank - Pandora Hall (336-983-0682) - hallpa@fnb-corp.com
Five Winds Farm Bed & Barn - Joanne M. Hepler (336-618-7722) - fivewindsfarmnc@gmail.com
Forsyth Technical Community College - Sally Elliott (336-593-5402x1704) - selliott@forsythtech.edu
Friends of the Stokes Shelter, Inc. - Darlene Venable (336-914-9270) - fossservicesmanager@gmail.com
Fun time Arcade - Terry Frye (336-985-3942)
Globe Life Family Heritage Division - Kasey Barnette Fine (336-408-6052) - kfine@protect1family.com
Great Clips - Joseph Kissick (336-985-8607) - joseph.kissick2@greatclips.net
Gullion’s Christian Supply Center - Dwight Gullion (336-983-2220) - gullions@gullions.com
H & R Block - Jerry Kirkham (336-983-9112) - LKirkham@hrblock.com
Habitat for Humanity of Stokes County - Mindi Alexandra (336-985-3211) - stokeshabitat@windstream.net
Hampton House Art & Frame, Inc. - Mark Hampton (336-983-6688) - mark@hamptonhouse.net
Hawthorne at the Hall Apartments - Katrina Newby/Megan May (336-969-1956) - hhallmanager@hrpliving.com
Helsabeck-Hall Ins. Agency, Inc. - Charles Helsabeck (336-983-0147) - chelsabeck@helsabeck-hall.com
Hire Drone Pics LLC - Terry Gee (336-422-5073)- terrygee@hiredronepics.com
Hope Pregnancy Care Center - Julie Estes (336-983-9990) - hopepcc@outlook.com
Horne Creek Living Historical Farm - Lisa Turney (336-325-2298) - lituruey@ncdcr.gov
Imperial Vault Company - Nancy C. Griffin (336-983-6343) - imperialvaultco@windstream.net
Ireland Insurance - Brandy Brandon (336-466-8885) - brandy@wnireland.com
Insight Human Services - Terri Fowler (336-413-4237) - tfowler@insightnc.org
Jones Plants & Nursery - Jordan Jones (336-345-8569) jkjones1202@yahoo.com
Jefferson Christian Church - Steve Cook, Sr. Minister (336-969-2341) - jeffersonchurch@yahoo.com
Kelly Office Solutions - Mike Horne (336-725-2566) - mhorne@kellyofficesoulutions.com
King Classic Bakery - Robin Greene(336-983-2157)-Kingclassicbakery@ymail.com
King Chamber of Commerce - Cathy Loveday (336-983-9308) - kingchamber14@gmail.com
King Lions Club - (336-983-3556) - rschildr@wakehealth.edu
King Moravian Church - Rev. Doug Rights (336-283-5322) - office@kingmoravianchurch.org
King of Spades Garden Club - Laurie Dunkelberger (336-983-0164) - lldunk2@gmail.com
King Outreach Ministry - Jeff Brown (336-983-4357) - kingoutreach@triad.twcbc.com
King Public Library - Ann Nichols (336-983-3868) - kin@nwrl.org
King Recreation Acres - Olivia Smith (336-985-1115) - osmith@ci.king.nc.us
King Senior Center - Paula Hall (336-983-0751) - phall@ci.king.nc.us
King Veterinary Hospital - David Bowen, DVM (336-983-9147) - welovepets@windstream.net
Lantal Textiles, Inc. - Mary Ann L. Hehl (336-969-9551) - hr@lantaltextiles.com
Law Office of Dustin T. Nichols, PLLC - Dustin T. Nichols (336-983-0270) - nicholsdt@gmail.com
LifeBrite Community Hospital of Stokes(Nursing Home) - Pam Tillman (336-593-2831)
LifeBrite Family Medical of Danbury - Tara Lawrence (336-593-8281)
LifeBrite Medical Center of King/Surgery - Pam Tillman (336-983-9617)
LifeBrite Pediatric Clinic of Danbury - Tara Lawrence (336-593-5354)
LifeBrite Family Medical of Pine Hall - Tara Lawrence (336-427-3076)
LifeBrite Therapy - Brooke Johnson-Smith (336-593-5307)
www.lifebritestokes.com/ - ptillman@lifebritestokes.com
Lincoln Douglas Investments, LLC - David L. May, Jr. (336-983-4371) - dmay@lincolndouglas.net
Little Italy Pizza and Italian Rest. - Salvatore Looz (336-985-5428) - www.littleitalyking.com
Liv For Sweets - (336-444-8400) - Olivia Rodgers
Long Jewelers - Annette Long Covington (336-983-3209) -longjewelers@yahoo.com
Los Gordos Bistro/Lakeside Drinks - Dan Grays (336-705-8623)- dan@losgordosbistro.com
LTD Farm and Garden - Steve Preston (336-983-4331) - info@ltd.farm
M.L. Mitchell and Son Meat Processing - Kristine Mitchell (336-591-7420) - mitchellsmeatnc@gmail.com
Magnet America International Inc - Aaron Parker (877-897-0905) - salesteam@magnetmagfarm
Magnolia Eye Care OD PLLC - Candice Fix, O.D. (336-296-0012) - info@magnoliaeye.com
Mary Kay Cosmetics - Lynne Bowman (336-403-7224) - lynnebowman@marykay.com
McDonald’s Restaurant - DJ Britt (336-983-3546) - goldenarch55@gmail.com
Medley Meadows Musical Farm - Randy and Vivian Fulk- 336-816-2611- info@medleymeadows.com
MI-Box of the Foothills - Jaime Edwards (336-368-9638) - jamieedwards@eaglestorageusa.com
Mickey & Co. Hair & Boutique - Wayne Mickey (336-983-5429) - waynemickey@gmail.com
Miss Fitz Consignment LLC - Julie Tucker (336-985-3359)
Miss Joyce’s Dance - Joyce S. Triche (336-591-7763) - missjoycesdance@yahoo.com
Mitchell’s Nursery and Greenhouse, Inc. - Judy Mitchell (336-983-4107) - info@mitchellsnursery.com
Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care - Sheila Jones (336-789-2922) - hospice@mtnvalleyhospice.org
Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care - Shealee Dobson (336-368-1260) - hospice@mtnvalleyhospice.org
Mountain View Baptist Church - Pastor Darrell Hall (336-983-6678) - ktbrickey1@outlook.com
Mountain View Home & Hardware - (336-985-8015) - mountainviewhandh@gmail.com
Mr. People Feeder - Robin Hargett (336-671-4058) - robin.hargett@gmail.com
Natasha Thompson Independent Scentsy Consultant - Natasha Thompson (336-755-9159) - tashanicoelsongz@gmail.com
NC Works Career Center - Tony Mizzi (336-464-0520)
Northview Animal Hospital - Adrian Kreeger, DVM (336-983-6958) - northview@windstream.net
Novant Health Mountainview Medical - Sarah Boles (336-983-4346) - sbboles@novanthealth.org
Novant Health Pediatrics, King - Diane Goad (336-673-6470) - dmgoad@novanthealth.org
NVizion, Inc. - Tommy Gupton (336-985-3862) - tommy@nvizioninc.com
Olive Grove Baptist Church - Todd Lusk (336-983-4037) - toddlusk@gmail.com
PC-1 Development Company, LLC - Garry L. Merritt (336-723-2221) - garrylmerritt@gmail.com
Peter’s Keys - David Moore (336-985-Keys (5397)) - peterskeys_king@yahoo.com
Piedmont Natural Gas - Phil Morgan (1-800-752-7504) - phillip.morgan@piedmontng.com
Piedmont Triad Regional Council - Preston Roseboro (336-904-0300) - proseboro@ptrc.org
Pilot Floor Covering - Zollie Smith (336-983-3161) - zsmith@pilotfloorcovering.com
Pilot Knob Park Golf Club - Sam Randazzo (336-368-2828) - srandazzo@pkpgolf.com
Poplar Springs Church of Christ - Chuck Bower, Minister (336-983-2507) - j.hopkins@poplarsprings.org
Priddy Manor Assisted Living - Christy Bower (336-983-3068) - Christy.bower@navionsl.com
Quaker Gap Baptist Church - Jack Darida, Senior Pastor (336-994-2117) - office@quakergap.org
R. Thomas Jewelers, Inc. - Robert Jones (336-983-4923) - rthomasjewelers@windstream.net
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company - Chris Hemric (336-741-2115) - hemricc2@rjrt.com
R&J Tree Service INC.- Crystal Kottwitz (336-486-8039)- crystal@nctreeguys.org
Ray's Pest Control & Wildlife Removal - Kristi Clark/Nathan Stephens (336-722-1307) - contact@raypestcontrol.com
Real Estate Brokers of Stokes County - Elaine Calloway (336-692-1635) - elainecalloway@gmail.com
Red Door Insurance Group, Inc. - E. Gray Busch (336-760-1516) - gray@reddoorinsurancegroup.com
Regal Group Inc - Jill Rolfes (336-871-4300) - ben@ysmat.com
ReStore of Stokes County (Habitat) - Mindi Alexandra (336-985-3211) - stokeshabitat@windstream.net
RIMAK Construction Group - Scott J. Tedder (336-462-6503) - scott@rimak.net
RiverStreet Networks - Anessa McKinney (844-238-0131) - rsinfo@rsnet.org
Robertson Family Farm - April Robertson (336-403-7592) - robertsonfarm3052@gmail.com
Robertson Home Inspection - Von Robertson (336-345-6175) - vonrobertson1@gmail.com
Roof Replacement Solutions - Bethany Sietsma- (336-608-4246)- bsietsma@roofreplacementssolutions.com
Rotary Club of King - Sue Jarvis (336-922-2941) - ken_suejarvis@windstream.net
Sauratown Dental - (336-983-5095) - office@sauratowndental.com
Siege Engine Creative - Jacob Rudolph (336-251-5821) - jacob.rudolph@siegeenginecreative.com
Silver Wings Wellness & Tanning - Lori Martin (336-983-4525) - silver_wings777@yahoo.com
Senior Benefits Unlimited - Terry Roberts (336-399-3025)- troberts328@twc.com
Slate Funeral Home - Jeff and Kim Walker (336-983-5176) - slatefh@windstream.net
South Stokes Church of Christ - Jeff Greene, Minister (336-969-5498) - southstokescoc@gmail.com
Soul Fire Therapeutic Touch - Tina Hopkins- (336-448-9460)- Soulfirenc@gmail.com
Spark Fitness and Performance - Brealon Ashworth (336-296-0020) - info@sparkfp.co
State Employees’ Credit Union - Bréa Hull (336-985-0530) - king@ncsecu.org
Stokes County Arts Council - Eddy McGee (336-593-8159) - stokesarts@gmail.com
Stokes County Department of Social Services - Stacey Elmes (336-593-2861) - selmes@co.stokes.nc.us
Stokes County Economic Development - Tory Mabe (336-593-2496) Tory@StokesROCKS.com
Stokes County Militia - Darrell Calloway (336-757-1176)
Stokes County Schools - Pam Bolejack (336-593-8146) - pam.bolejack@stokes.k12.nc.us
Stokes Family YMCA - Derek Edwards (336-985-9622) - d.edwards@ymcanwnc.org
The Stokes News - Terri Flagg (336-591-8191) - terri.flagg@thestokesnews.com
Stokes Partnership for Children, Inc. - Cindy Tuttle (336-985-2676) - ctuttle@stokespfc.com
Stokes Pharmacy, Inc. - Chelsea Jarrell (336-983-3118) - stokespharmacy@gmail.com
Stokes Tire and Automotive, Inc. - T. Beroth (336-983-4352) - tberoth@gmail.com
Supreme Pet Supply LLC - Brady & LaShawnda Ferguson (336-983-5494) - supremepetsupply.22@gmail.com
Superior Storage - Abigail Keeton (336-933-9824) - pilotmtn@superior.storage.com
Surry/Stokes Friends of Youth - Tamara Veit (336-983-0350) - tamara@sfoy.org
Sylvia's Natural Solutions - Sylvia Dalrymple (336-391-4374) - sylviadarymple@gmail.com
Talley’s Flower Shop - Carol Williams (336-983-9265)
TCP Credit Union - Barbara Isaacs (336-969-6518) - bisaacs@tcpcu.org
Team Overbey, Keller Williams - Debbie Lavoie-Overbey (336-413-8432) - debbie@teamoverbey.com
The Market by Dragonfly (Year Round Farmers Market) Christina Brunner - (336-985-8620) info@dragonfly-farm.org
Medicare Store - Jeff Frye (336-415-3744) - jeff@themedicarestoreteam.com
The Resource Company, Inc. - Rita G. Bottoms (336-970-5206) - rbottoms@theresource.com
The Rock Church - John Blackburn (336-983-0550) - jblackburn@godrocksking.com
The Sheperd's House - Jana Elliott (336-786-1420) - director@shepherdshousema.org
TMC Landscape Design, LLC - Tommy Cullen (704-746-2338) - tommy@tmclandscapedesign.net
Town and Country Restaurant - John Vlasis/George Moutos (336-983-3641) - https://www.townandcountrygrille.com/
Trellis Supportive Care (Formerly Hospice & Palliative CareCenter) - Patty Dawson (336-681-1499) - PDawson@TrellisSupport.org
Trinity United Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. Bart W. Milleson, Pastor (336-983-5405) - trinityumcking1@gmail.com
TruRoof - Gina Raper (803-878-7663) - Gina@TruRoof.com
Tuttle’s Body Shop, Inc. - Brad Tuttle (336-983-2878) - brad.tuttle@tuttlesbodyshop.com
Twin county Storage Solution - Phil Crouse (336-283-6192) twincountystorage@gmail.com
2Do2Done Virtual Assistant - Christina Canterbury (336-287-3550) - christina@2do2doneva.com
United Fund of Stokes County - Megan Bennett (336-593-8904) - unitedfundstokes@gmail.com
Universal Health Benefits - Katherine Herring (336-757-2006) - katherine@uhbadvisors.com
Universal Health Care of King - Mike Weaver (336-983-6505) - mike.weaver@choice-health.net
Venture Industries LLC DBA Bagel Boss NC - Joe Ianucilli - joe.ianucilli@bagelboss.com
Villa Trace Apartments - Melisa Toney (336-983-5202) - villatrace@epmsites.com
Village Care of King - Matt Eads (336-983-4900) - matt.eads@saberhealth.com
Walmart - (336-296-6041) - www.walmart.com
Walmart Pharmacy - Selena Kennaday (336-296-6038) - www.walmart.com
Window Depot of the Triad - Richard King (336-406-8042) - rich@windowdeopttriad.com
Yadkin Valley Magazine - John Norman (336-699-2446) - john@yadkinvalleymagazine.com (Cherry Street Media, LLC)
YMCA Camp Hanes - Carmina Eder (336-983-3131) - c.eder@ymcanwnc.org
Your PC Restore - Mary Burton (336-914-1777) - yourpcrestore@gmail.com
Zany Flavors - Sharon Snider (336-969-2558) - zanyflavors@gmail.com
Zaxby’s - Sam Mahalingam (404-429-8482)